I need to find a quick snippet of information about an employment right. Whether as a manager or an employee, we have created such a quick source which is brief and contains a few tips about matters which are often overlooked. You can find Key HR Facts using this link to another section of our website.

Key HR Facts is free to access for personal use and is updated regularly with changes to the facts or the addition of new facts. You can have those facts and tips at your finger tips. Read on for more details as to how it came into being etc.
Key HR Facts was created by the owner to provide a quick reference to such key facts, remedies etc as a reminder. when working as an HR Director and a Consultant. People became interested in the site when he shared it with them to help them understand issues and employment rights etc. The founder still uses it today in his voluntary work and other interests.
So bookmark the following link to Key HR Facts which will save you time and help you to stay informed of key facts and tips. We trust you will find it helpful.
If there are topics which you feel it would be useful to add, please let us know so that we can consider whether to include those – see our contact details – gain our attention.