Gain Our Attention

If you have a question or need advice or would like to check if you are ‘on the right lines’, then contact us to start that discussion.

You can contact us via:

  • chat with us,
  • phone or
  • write to us.
Lady speaking via a megaphone to two men standing very close with with hands over their ears

We trust that you will not need to resort to a megaphone to gain our attention!

Chat with Us

Perhaps a misnomer as in practice you need to type your message. You should see a blue button and/or text appear on the bottom, right hand side of the screen – it may say chat or message us. Click on the text or button to open the ‘chat’ box. Please leave a message and your e-mail address or a phone number so that we can contact you as soon as practicable.

Phone Us

You can call Jim Harrington on 07808 765588 – please note the phone is not monitored while he is driving or in a meeting – but you can leave a message for Jim to return your call.

Write to Us

We dislike spam mail so to reduce the incidence, please use the contact form below.

Note – we shall not pass on your e-mail address or phone number to another organisation or individual unless required by law or the individual is working with or for us regarding your request. Our privacy policy can be viewed via this link.

Contact us