[Updated 30/03/2021] Fines and Orders Against an Employer A Tribunal has various powers to award compensation and other remedies to an employee when a statutory entitlement has been breached by an employer. Employment Tribunals also have other powers that the judge/panel can exercise but those orders do not generally lead to payments to an employee. […]
Category: Remedies for Breaches of Statutory Entitlements
Remedies for an employee and the fines and orders which may be determined by a Tribunal.
Remedies Open to an Individual Claimant #
[Updated 15/03/2024] – includes new rates from 6th April 2024] This topic notes the less known awards that may be sought by an individual(s). Rates shown apply to the 2024-2025 tax year; figures in brackets are for the previous year. There are other fines and issues about which a Tribunal may decide to make an […]