Brexit – An Opportunity to Reinforce Your Organisation’s Values

The uncertainty about what Brexit means in practice does cause concern to employees which is not helped by knee jerk reactions and making off the cuff pronouncements as those usually have no real substance.   Many comments have appeared that we shall have to revisit our employment laws and amend those. I suggest that you read […]

Effective Decisions and Implementation

As CEO or Head Teacher, do you occasionally feel frustrated by the failure of your senior managers to implement decisions effectively or their blaming of others for the ineffective outcome? Occasionally, the cause may be the incompetence of a manager. Usually, the cause is ambiguity in the decision processes within the school, company etc. That […]

Junior Doctors’ Dispute re Pay and Working Hours

In our first article about the junior doctors’ pay and hours dispute, we queried whether the negotiators for the doctors will avoid the mistakes of previous years.  Those agreements left some junior doctors in specialities, such as general medicine, feeling the deal was unfair as colleagues, in other specialities, were not liable to be called […]

Termination of Employment Agreements – simplification

Rather than simplify the process for holding discussions about a termination situation, the law has become more complicated. From 29th July, compromise agreements will be renamed as settlement agreements and a new process for holding pre-termination discussions will be introduced. The latter is to enable discussions to take place about a potential termination situation but […]

Employee Engagement or Re-engagement

The need to engage with work forces to help drive the economy forward is receiving much attention. Many attempts have been made to define engagement (1) but put simply it is about connecting with employees and others associated with the organisation to produce an effective and customer focused firm that adapts successfully. Academic studies have […]

Reducing costs and maintaining key skills

Managers have faced the need to contain or reduce costs for many years although the current economic climate has accentuated that for many.  The growing interest in innovative ways to reduce costs will be reviewed in this and subsequent articles over the next few months.  Many articles describe the ‘new’ approaches but omit to explain […]