Payslips to Show Hours Worked

Employees must be able to check whether they have been paid the correct amount which means that all employees and workers now have the right to see the hours they have worked and been paid for on their pay slips. Employers are required to show the number of hours worked, as well as the earnings, […]

Executive and Board Pay – Is There an Appropriate Level?

Once more the level of pay of senior executives is under scrutiny and proposals are being considered for influencing and containing the size of such pay packages.[1]  This topic has attracted attention across the years and has been the subject of many studies including some on pay equity and equitable pay differentials. I had the […]

The Minimum Wage has a Nasty Bite

True Cause or Excuse The minimum wage is well known but there are still some employers, across many sectors, who choose to skate on thin ice.   Those organisations fail to pay the correct amount because of: Insufficient funds; Failure to take into account all the operational hours expected of staff; Ignorance; An “I’ll chance it” […]

Sports Direct – the Dilemma of Organisational Flexibility

[Text amended August 2018] Many organisations need flexibility in staffing to accommodate seasonal and other variations in workload, product launches, staff holidays and illness etc. To meet such needs, senior managers should be able to introduce a range of contracts such as variable hours, zero hours, temporary and/or fixed term contracts and/or use agency workers. […]

Results Based Commission to be Included in Holiday Pay

Posted on 25/02/2016 by HR Professional The Employment Appeal Decision in British Gas Trading v Lock means that results based commission must be paid during holiday periods.   You can read more about the implications of the court decision in this link to an earlier article. {Editor’s note – new link to be added]. Employers now […]

HR Policies – a Level Playing Field or a Competitive Field?

News broke this week that France will allow companies to re-negotiate a longer working week and overtime rates of pay thus starting to erode the 35 hour week for ‘blue collar’ staff.  That report made me smile as I recalled:   Advising a French service company on adopting the 35 hour week   and reducing employment […]

Junior Doctors’ Dispute re Pay and Working Hours

In our first article about the junior doctors’ pay and hours dispute, we queried whether the negotiators for the doctors will avoid the mistakes of previous years.  Those agreements left some junior doctors in specialities, such as general medicine, feeling the deal was unfair as colleagues, in other specialities, were not liable to be called […]

Temporary Respite in Costs of Auto-Enrolment Pension Schemes

Our earlier article ‘Living Wage has Hidden Costs for Employees and Employers’ has been updated to reflect the Chancellor’s intention to postpone the rise in minimum pension contributions from both employer and employees.  The postponement will be for 6 months.  The increases will take place in April 2018 and 2019 instead of October 2017 and […]

Living Wage has Hidden Costs for Employees and Employers

This month, the Living Wage Foundation announced that over 2,000 employers have signed up to pay the Living Wage.  That sounds good but does that bode well for employees and employers – have the hidden costs been glossed over? Individuals should be paid a fair wage for their skills/effort provided they maintain such skillls, are […]