Are Your Senior Managers Sabotaging Your Pay/Reward Structures?

Posted on 26/02/2015 by HR Professional In the past, pay structures were viewed as almost permanent structures which only needed the occasional tinkering to keep them going.   That was a fallacy as pay/reward systems decay over time no matter how carefully they are crafted.  In a recent column in the Daily Telegraph, John Timpson […]

Are We Switching Off Creativity and Satisfaction at Work?

[Text amended 01/09/2018] Making Organisations Fit for Purpose Organisational capability, agile organisations, responsive organisations are phrases we encounter in the search for an organisational structure that will prove fit for purpose.   The pace of technology and the growth of knowledge workers has cast doubt on whether the traditional hierarchical organisation structure is appropriate to […]

Management Bonuses – what should they reinforce?

Once more the issue of rewards and links to long term success of the company have been raised.  The Financial Reporting Council will be advocating stronger links and also clauses to enable bonuses to be clawed back [1].  However, focusing on the payment formula alone will not produce a sound scheme.  Like an iceberg, the danger […]

Boardroom and Senior Management Pay – equitable approaches

The high level of executive pay in some companies has been occurring for many years. The recent publicity and reports have focused on the widening gap between the top management and employees.  Solutions have been proposed of links to the median pay of employees; reversing the trend of higher performance and lower basic pay.  In […]

Senior Management Pay – Equitable Differentials *

The basic pay gap continues to widen between top management and the lowest paid employees. The total remuneration gap is much wider when share packages, pension and other benefits are considered. The size of the gap attracts controversy but at times becomes confused with adversity against wealth creation. The latter is needed to enable the […]

Reducing costs and maintaining key skills

Managers have faced the need to contain or reduce costs for many years although the current economic climate has accentuated that for many.  The growing interest in innovative ways to reduce costs will be reviewed in this and subsequent articles over the next few months.  Many articles describe the ‘new’ approaches but omit to explain […]