Teachers Under Pressure; Are School Governors Doing Enough?

Photo of stressed personDo you know any school teachers?  Do they seem more stressed now compared to say one year ago?  It seems to be accepted that teaching is a pressurised profession and that many members experience stress.  The suggested causes vary such as Government policy but the article referred to below suggests alternative causes and some suggestions how a balance can be restored.

Head Teachers and School Governors may find the article provocative but the author trusts that the questions posed will be given serious consideration and that the suggestions actions will be followed up.

Governors have a challenging role and may not realise that their obligations include monitoring the hours that teachers work in their school(s) and intervening when long hours lead to adverse consequences.

Although the article focuses on the teaching profession, similar issues may arise with other professionals and groups of staff.

Please feel free to share the article with any teaching colleagues or friends especially if you know any Head Teachers or School Governors.

Read the article, “Pressure on the School v Pressure on the Teacher”.


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